INYGMA welcome all the Naturopathy & Yoga Professionals to Join us
The INYGMA is committed to increase the scope of Naturopathy & Yoga through induction of new members. The members shall, for the purpose of their right, privileges and obligations be classified as
BNYS medical students who are studying in the Naturopathy & Yoga Medical Colleges recognised by any University in India and who have successfully completed atleast one academic year shall be eligible to become ASSOCIATE MEMBERS of the Association on application and on expressing agreement in writing to abide by the Bye-Laws of the Association.
INYGMA regularly conducts programme to improve the capacity of the Yoga & Naturopathic fraternity, public outreach programme and take various political and legal approaches to ensure that the objectives are met. In addition, we are planning to contribute to generate evidence and a promoter of evidence informed Yoga & Naturopathy.