Welcome to the Indian Naturopathy & Yoga Graduates Medical Association

Representing the Naturopathy & Yoga profession in India, we seek to conserve, secure, promote and uphold Naturopathy & Yoga philosophy, knowledge, science and medical practice for the benefit of all beings

Indian Naturopathy & Yoga Graduates Medical Association [INYGMA] is a non-profit association for Naturopathy & Yoga Graduates. INYGMA was formed when rational minded & strong willed Naturopathy & Yoga professional sat together on a balmy day in Chennai in 2000.

Since its inception the INYGMA has focused on the advancement of Naturopathy & Yoga education & practice aimed towards improving of care of patients. Now a days, the INYGMA members include Principals, Professors, Department Heads, Research Heads, Research Scientist, Experienced Naturopathy & Yoga Doctors, Young Budding Doctors, University Postgraduates & Undergraduate Students across the country. The INYGMA currently has around 2000 members.

Aims And Objectives

  • To render efficient environmental service to the earth
  • To safeguard and promote the interests, rights, liberties of the members of the Association
  • To ventilate the problems and secure readressal of the grievances of the members
  • To promote social and education uplift of the Members
  • To promote and propagate the practice of and to develop the systems of Indian Naturopathy & Yoga as a medical system.
  • To increase the awareness among the general public of the Naturopathy & Yoga system and to conduct awareness / medical camps, awareness programs through media, seminars, exhibitions etc., for this purpose.
  • To conduct counselling sessions in schools, colleges etc., for spreading awareness among students as to the career opportunity in the Naturopathy & Yoga system.
  • To minimize the consumption of chemicals and drugs by the people at large through any form of treatment, as these could be harmful to the human health in the long run
  • To promote the Naturopathy & Yoga system as a system of treatment with a minimum of side-effects or after-effects to the physical and mental health.
  • To represent at all levels of Government, the cause and interests of the Indian Naturopathy & Yoga Medical Practitioners, for the purpose of framing conducive policies, securing grants, subsides or support for research, seminars, exhibitions, awareness/medical camps, equipment, buildings, publishing of books, journals, magazines, newspapers or other facilities for treatment etc.
  • To work for increasing the career opportunities for the Indian Naturopathy & Yoga Practitioners by spreading public awareness, representing with the Government for having a separate Naturopathy Department in Government hospital etc.
  • To provide assistance, financially or otherwise to the member’s family, on the death or disability of a member subject to the provisions of section 25 of the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975.
  • To incite public involvement and to take up projects or mission to save nature, the planet’s precious reserve of trees, plants and animals and to prevent pollution and degradation of the precious environment in all forms.
  • To involve and encourage people’s participation in replenishing the fast depleting greenery in urban areas and afforestation project in the rural vasts.
  • To identify, record, preserve our rich plant resources, medicinal herbs, endangered plant and animal species so that the riches of our past heritage is passed on to our future generations.
  • To take necessary steps for patenting and safeguarding the vast knowledge on medicine, herbs, naturopathy and yoga and other Indian systems of treatment to prevent their misuse or abuse in the present regime of Intellectual property rights and commercialization.
  • To promote peace and harmony in the society and to work for friendship among people of different religions, castes, sects etc.
  • To take up any other cause of charitable as would serve the public interest.

INYGMA - Bye-Laws


All our skilled team members are listed below

Complete members